Cookies, Privacy and Use of


Last Updated February 2023


Cookies are small text files that are stored on your computer or device when you visit a website. Cookies are used by all websites and have several different functions. Although cookies do identify a user’s device, cookies do not personally identify users.

Basic purposes for cookies
  • Allows the site to work properly, and helps keep it secure
  • Help us understand how people use the website
  • Make the site easier to use by remembering the information that you’ve entered
  • Improve your experience by showing you information that’s relevant to you
Why do we use cookies?

Although the use of cookies helps improve websites and provides you with a good experience when you browse a website, our website do not use cookies.

However, through partnerships and affiliations with third-party partners, we may use some of these:

Types of cookies
  1. Strictly necessary cookies: These are cookies that are required for the operation of a website, such as to enable you to use features or forms with our website.
  2. Performance cookies: These simply help us improve the way our website works. They tell us how people use each page, which ones are most commonly viewed, or whether any errors occurred.
  3. Functionality cookies: These recognize when you return to a website, enable personalized content, and recognize and remember your preferences.
  4. Targeting cookies: These cookies record your visit to a website, including the individual pages visited and the links followed
  5. Tracking cookies. These enable us to track the use of content from our website (on third-party services, such as posts on social media networks), in accordance with your third-party settings

Generally, the strictly necessary cookies and some performance and functionality cookies only last for the duration of your visit to a website or expire when you close an App. The functionality cookies and some targeting and performance cookies will last for a longer period of time.

Third-Party cookies

Please note that third parties (including, for example, advertising networks and providers of external services like user traffic analysis services) may also use cookies, over which we have no control. These cookies are likely to be analytical, performance, or targeting cookies. For example, we use Google Analytics to track what users do on the website so we can improve the design and functionality.

Blocking cookies

Most websites, mobile devices, and apps automatically accept cookies but, if you prefer, you can change your browser, device, or app settings to prevent that or to notify you each time a cookie is set. However, if you use your device or app settings to block all cookies (including essential cookies) you may not be able to access all or parts of the website

For more information, feel free to contact us at

Privacy and Use of information

Our values in this regard

Your best interests at heart

To us, your opinion, autonomy, and needs trump always. Our website is in no way focally designed to target your personalized information that can identify you. Any personal data provided from responding to our survey will solely be used to focus on and improve the provisions of services we aim to offer and support you in ways that matter to you.

Your peace of mind

As a new brand keen to elevate and improve the lives of our community, there’s nothing more important to us than the relationships we seek to establish and develop with our audience and customers – relationships built on trust, fairness, and our commitment to doing the right thing. So when you trust us with your personal information, we will most certainly go to great lengths to keep it safe.

The information we might collect and hold about you includes:
  • Personal information to identify and contact you, such as your name and contact details.
  • Details of when you contacted us and when we contacted you.
  • Information on your location, gathered from your mobile phone or other devices, where you access the internet.
  • Details of how you use our website and online services.
  • Details you make public on social media e.g. Facebook/Twitter.
  • Information about your interactions with Lucumi online or by telephone.
  • Other information that you supply to us or that we obtain from our relationship with you. For example, information relevant to your marketing preferences. This could include sensitive information (e.g. something you tell us about your health). When we talk about ‘information’ throughout this webpage, we’re referring to all of the above.
  • We’ll only ask for this information when we absolutely need to, and we use it to Understand and accommodate any additional needs you might have. For example, if you could benefit from the services of our support team to help with any issues around your health, memory, caring responsibilities, or any challenges you’re facing in life.
How we may collect your information in this way?

In almost all cases, we’ll ask for your consent when collecting sensitive data. However, if you write to us or send a secure message (when contacting us from our website) containing this type of information, then we’ll assume that you’re happy for us to record it – unless you tell us not to. If someone acting on your behalf provides this information, we’ll record what’s been provided and who gave it to us.